Crime-lite® ML PRO

Rapid Forensic Triage to Meet the Demands of Busy Forensic Laboratories

Crime-lite ML PRO: Lab-based forensic triage and imaging system

The Crime-lite ML PRO is the first in a new generation of evidence screening tools built to meet the demands of busy forensic laboratories tasked with processing large quantities of evidence.

With fully-integrated UV-Vis-IR illumination and an ‘intelligent optics’ imaging system, the ML PRO can be used to mark-up evidence, detecting the presence of bodily fluids, and locating minute fragments of trace evidence.

Examinations are conducted using the system’s 10″ touchscreen display and can be displayed in high-resolution via an attached 32” monitor. Pre-set examinations and automatic filter selection make the system quick and easy to use.

Search for and Detect the presence of DNA-yielding evidence

Examine items under UV, Visible, and Infrared light sources to locate the presence of evidence. Easily manoeuvre the ML PRO over evidence performing one-click automated searches or using manual controls to select the light source and filter combinations.

Capture UV-Vis-IR Images and Record Live Video

Record live video and high-quality still images using a Vis/IR sensitive camera with ‘intelligent optics’. Zoom-in and apply basic image enhancements, including exposure control and image invert, to detect evidence that would have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Mark-up Evidence and Create Reports

Identify areas of interest and mark-up digital images of evidence using text and shape annotations. Produce court-ready reports complete with chain-of-custody information, contextual images, side-by-side comparisons, and software-generated line drawings.

